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- MISMisc1 Version 1. 3 3/1/92
- Subject: MISCELLANEOUS, Part 1
- [Category: MIS]
- This year continued to see a growth in the planning for and use
- of Amateur Radio operators and other communications volunteers in
- government service. This interest and growth has been not only in
- California but throughout the United States and Canada. The role
- of the Amateur Radio operator in emergency communications has
- changed drastically from what it was twenty years ago. Back then,
- the ham basically planned for long term operations that might
- last for days at a time. The RACES person, that is any ham
- attached to a local government civil defense agency, was
- preoccupied with a worst-case wartime scenario.
- Today's RACES unit, on the other hand, is geared for quick
- response, short term, emergency public safety communications sup
- port. Gone, thank goodness, is the image of the tin hat, armband,
- flashlight and bucket of sand. Gone are the legions of home based
- radio stations. In their place are more and more government
- locations fully equipped with RACES, CAP, and other radio
- stations so that the volunteers don't have to lug their own to
- serve their government. I say thanks to all those unpaid
- professionals in our organization and those of you throughout the
- country with whom I have communicated with this year. Such good
- volunteers not only look good, they make you and your
- organization look good. We salute the dedicated and growing
- number of packet bulletin board sysops who make these Bulletins
- available to a host of emergency communications volunteers. We
- thank all of you who have contributed material for these
- Bulletins. In 1992 we plan to encourage the broader use of the
- RACES people in many other radio and communications services. We
- hope to see a return to the emergency communications performance
- role of the Civil Air Patrol. This year we changed the name of
- the forty year old State RACES section to the Auxiliary Radio
- Service to better reflect the broad diversity of services
- required of today's volunteers. Together we look forward to 1992,
- and may it ever bigger and better for us all. Stan Harter, KH6GBX
- State RACES Coordinator and Cary Mangum, W6WWW, Chief State Radio
- Officer. RB202
- At the request of numerous state and local emergency management
- and civil defense agencies around the country, plus the American
- Radio Relay League headquarters, we are transmitting the weekly
- State RACES Bulletins nationwide (to RACES @ ALLUS in the linked
- national packet radio system).
- The weekly RACES bulletins answer questions, provide guidance,
- recommendations, interpretations and information regarding the
- utilization of Amateur Radio serving these agencies. There is a
- close working relationship between ARES (Amateur radio Emergency
- Service) and the RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) in
- California. In this state, any volunteer serving the State or a
- local government must be a registered disaster service worker.
- Those Amateurs who elect to affiliate with a specific government,
- for example, become a part of that government's RACES unit. Thus,
- most ARES members are members of a city, county, or the State
- RACES unit.
- Most Bulletins are undated in nature and applicable (directly or
- through interpretation) anywhere in the U.S. They have been
- requested by several Pacific basin nations because their use of
- Amateur Radio in support of emergency communications is similar
- to ours. Several people and agencies have said that the Bulletins
- help fill a void created by the disappearance of national RACES
- guidance by FEMA many years ago.
- We hope that the weekly California RACES Bulletins will be
- helpful to you, too.
- STANLY E. HARTER, KH6GBX Amateur Radio Service Coordinator
- Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CA) Vice-Chairman, FCC's
- State Emergency Communications
- Committee
- [SYSOPS Note: Most WESTNET sysops, for example, leave the current
- Bulletin in the directory for one week and then move it into a
- "W" sub-directory upon receipt of the next Bulletin. Thank you
- all for your support and cooperation. 73 and Aloha, Stan/KH6GBX
- (W6HIR @ WA6NWE).]
- The State RACES Bulletins are transmitted via the WESTNET packet
- radio system throughout California and other areas. At the
- suggestion of the ARRL Headquarters, the State RACES BULLETINS
- were entered into the nationwide packet radio mailbox system. The
- BULLETINS are intended to be delivered weekly to county and city
- emergency management agencies by their RACES operators except, of
- course, in those jurisdictions that do not yet have a RACES unit.
- Mailing the RACES BULLETINS to jurisdictions would be prohibitive
- and the RACES is, after all, a radio communications system.
- However, we mail the BULLETINS to those jurisdictions that are
- out of WESTNET range or do not yet have a RACES unit, and to
- Amateur publications and newsletters that use the material. If
- you are not getting these Bulletins or would like more
- information, please call the State OES Telecommunications
- Division at 916-427-4281 and ask for the RACES section. RB043
- RACES BULLETINS/INDEX are Available to Emergency Managers ,
- Responders, SYSOPS.
- The BULLETINS are intended for all emergency management offices
- and their communications volunteers in government service. The
- latter is anyone who provides (or may be interested in providing)
- a state or a local government such service as an enrolled
- volunteer member of that government, and serves in a manner
- prescribed by that government.
- The RACES BULLETINS are written by and for people involved with
- the RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and the ARES
- (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) and similar organizations.
- Material for the Bulletins is from contributors around the U.S.
- and Canada.
- As suggested by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), in 1988
- the BULLETINS went into national distribution via the Amateur
- Radio linked packet radio bulletin board system. They are also
- carried by the CAP and MARS packet radio networks.
- They are presently available to individuals and organizations
- via:
- 1. The Amateur Radio packet radio bulletin board service
- throughout the United States, Canada, and Pacific rim countries.
- 2. First class mail. Camera ready. Four at a time in your
- business size SASE. Starts upon receipt of your SASE supply.
- Expiration reminder inserted when last SASE envelope is used. The
- published Bulletins frequently contain additional information,
- articles, diagrams or cartoons not available to the packet radio
- or diskette versions.
- 3. On Disc from Races Coordinator, Office of Emergency Services,
- 2800 Meadowview Drive, Sacramento, CA 95832. RB140-90
- [Compilers 1992 notation: This By-Topic version, and a hard-copy
- PRINTED version, both are more functional than the by-the-number
- bulletins. The by-the-number version is for those who want an
- exact chronological record; however a number of the time-related
- bulletins were deleted from the By-Topic Version. The Disc and
- Print Versions of RACESBulletins-by-Topic)= have a table of
- contents and a cross reference index cross not a part of the
- by-the-number Bulletins.]
- The California Civil Defense Net has historically skipped Mondays
- that fell on holidays. Effective immediately(1987) the CCDN will
- be conducted every Monday of the year. At least one California
- STATE RACES BULLETIN will be sent to QST and every OES agency
- every Monday. The BULLETINS are sent via (1) the CCDN, Mondays at
- 1900 on CW and 1930 on AMTOR on 3545.5 MHz; (2) all WESTNET
- packet bulletin boards; and (3) by mail to selected agencies and
- CLUBS who use them in their club publications.
- The BULLETINS are of lessened value if they are not delivered
- upon receipt to every county OES coordinator by a local Amateur.
- Not all RACES BULLETINS may be carried by the CCDN. Time critical
- BULLETINS may be sent by packet at any time. RACES program
- personnel statewide should check their packet mailbox daily for
- traffic addressed to "RACES".
- As pointed out at a recent ARRL conference all emergency
- operations centers, RACES, and ARES management personnel should
- be equipped with packet communications. It is the fastest and
- most accurate Amateur communications mode readily available for
- message traffic, management and training subjects.
- Again, it is requested that all STATE RACES BULLETINS be read at
- reading speed over all voice radio nets throughout California to
- keep all Amateurs informed of Amateur Radio emergency services.
- The Governor's Office of Emergency Services thanks all who have
- cooperated in this effort. Sgd/STANLY E. HARTER, KH6GBX
- Coordinator, Amateur Radio Service Asst. Chief,
- Telecommunications Division . RB87-37-UPDATED
- [Compilers note: CCDN was changed to the California Emergenc
- Services Net, CESN, in early 1992]
- An example of an excellent newsletter of a reorganized and
- revitalized RACES unit, is that of Orange County, California To
- review their monthly publication send single request with
- business sized first class (at least l ounce) SASE. To receive a
- continued copy send a supply of business-size first-class SASE 's
- and request "NET CONTROL" to: Walter Wilson, N6VYB, RACES Program
- Director, County of Orange, 1985 South Santa Cruz Street,
- Anaheim, CA 92805-6815. RB50-89 [Compiler recommends sending
- additional stamps as size of this newsletter has increased.]
- RESCUE 621 is the transportable communications system assigned to
- the 939 Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Group (Air Force Reserve),
- located at Portland International Airport, Oregon. According to
- Mr. Bill Kratch of the 939th, the capability of RESCUE 621
- exceeds that of virtually any other civil or military system now
- in operation. RESCUE 621 radio systems include: HF Point to Point
- and Air/Ground, UHF Air/Ground, VHF Air/Ground, VHF Satellite
- (NASA ATS-3), VHF-FM ("Fox Mike" tactical radio), VHF FM High
- Band and Low Band Mobile Radio (Federal government, state and
- local law enforcement, rescue, fire and ambulance services,
- American Red Cross), and connections for virtually any portable
- or mobile radio that can be furnished by the user. RESCUE 621 can
- patch together transmissions among these channels, providing a
- unique capability to extend local communications to a regional or
- global basis, while quickly adapting to rapidly changing
- situations. Through RESCUE 621, on- scene officials can literally
- talk to supporting agencies on the other side of the globe, while
- simultaneously all parties are linked into local or regional
- networks. While rescue missions were being flown immediately
- following the eruption of Mount St. Helens, the White House
- Situation Room used RESCUE 621 to link directly with military
- rescue aircraft and civilian officials responding to the
- disaster.
- The vehicle and support systems trailer are air- transportable by
- military aircraft, and are kept in mission-ready condition at all
- times. The vehicle is a CJ5 Jeep containing all radios and
- operating consoles. The vehicle carries the driver and one
- passenger. The trailer carries power generator, gasoline tanks
- and radio repair kits. This system has been funded as a peacetime
- rescue resource by the Air Force Reserve. RESCUE 621 is managed
- by Mr. Bill Kratch, 939th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Group
- (AFRES), Portland International Airport, OR. Telephone
- 503-335-4561, AUTOVON 638-4561. Mission tasking for RESCUE 621 is
- controlled by the USAF Rescue Coordination Center, Scott AFB, IL.
- Telephone 618-256-4815 or AUTOVON 576-4815. RB 66-89 and 67-89
- QUESTIONS Q. Can we get a new club or RACES station license? A.
- No. They are no longer available. Q. If we already have one, can
- it be renewed? A. Yes. RB87-89
- "I for one am most pleased to see the rejuvenation of the RACES
- BULLETINS with attendant interest in the RACES program as
- currently fostered by the State Office of Emergency Services.
- Welcome aboard to Stan Harter, KH6GBX. Your efforts will be
- appreciated by all RACES members.
- Amateur Radio began to play an important role for the State of
- California in the 1950-1951 era of Civil Defense. The California
- Civil Defense Net (CCDN) was formed to supplement governmental
- communications systems during emergencies. From this base the
- California RACES program was developed in 1952. RACES has served
- well during many floods, fire and earthquakes.
- Not often do we get the call to duty but, when required, RACES
- has been indispensable. It behooves all jurisdictions to maintain
- a high state of training and readiness. We all hope and pray that
- we are never needed. On the other hand, from past experience, we
- know that communications facilities are never adequate during a
- major catastrophe. "BE PREPARED!"
- Signed/MARION HENSON, W6NKR, State RACES Radio Officer, APRIL
- 1985
- The following bulletin was transmitted 4/1/85: OES has hired Stan
- Harter (KH6GBX) to fill its new position of EBS/RACES
- communications coordinator. His primary duties will be to
- organize the State EBS and RACES programs when he starts work on
- April 22, 1985. Stan worked as the Hawaii State Communications
- Officer for 20 years where he was directly involved with the
- planning, organizing, implementation, operating and improving the
- state's EBS and RACES programs. Stan has been an Amateur for over
- 35 years and has worked at commercial broadcast stations for over
- 23 years. s/s: W6NKR
- We receive questions from time to time whether or not the
- bulletins, model communications plan, exhibits, or any of the
- other aids may be copied?
- Of course they may be copied, used, or modified to suit your
- area, needs, or application. As one has observed, the only
- copyright is that you copy right. It is proper to give
- attribution to the source or author. We invite comments and
- inputs. When communicating by packet, please include your name,
- address, and telephone number(s). The model plan format,
- volunteer position descriptions, standards, policies, standard
- operating procedures, all of the weekly Bulletins since 1985, and
- other exhibits and aids are available to anyone on computer
- disc(s). They are in IBM PC ASCII format. Send us either TWO
- 3-1/2" disc or THREE 5-1/4" discs to State OES, ATTN: RACES, 2800
- Meadowview Road, Sacramento, California 95832. RB187-91
- ITEM 1. The annual earthquake exercise will be conducted October
- 14 and 15. The exercise will be played in real time and will
- commence after a 0430 hypothetical major earthquake in Southern
- California.
- ITEM 2. The only communications at the offset for the State
- Office of Emergency Services between Los Alamitos and Sacramento
- will be HF-SSB. For this we will be looking towards RACES, CAP
- and MARS.
- ITEM 3. The contact in Southern California for communications
- planning and coordination is Don Root, telephone (xxxxxxxxxx)
- This will be an excellent opportunity to test the capabilities of
- the frequencies, personnel and equipment of RACES, CAP and MARS.
- Operations each day will end around 1500.
- ITEM 4. It will be a limited scope exercise reflecting the first
- 36-48 hours of the disaster. The focus will be on communications,
- using all radios available. Emphasis on public information
- functions, situation reports, priorities. No canned messages.
- "Real time" time play. City to county to State Coordination
- Center (SCC) Los Alamitos to State Operations Center (SOC)
- Sacramento.
- ITEM 5. Players will include but not limited to Los Angeles
- County, City of L.A., FIRESCOPE OCC, FEMA Region 9, State OES at
- all Regions and the SCC and SOC, and the counties of Orange, San
- Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Riverside and Ventura.
- ITEM 6. We hope to incorporate the CAP and MARS organizations
- into the permanent California State plans for emergency high
- frequency communications . [Compilers note: was successfully
- completed.]
- ITEM 7. As noted by Headquarters W6HIR traffic the last couple of
- weeks, the State will be participating in an earthquake exercise
- on 14-15 October, along with city, county and federal
- governments. Under the exercise scenario, government and
- telephone communications will be severely impacted in parts of
- Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Ventura, and
- Santa Barbara counties.
- ITEM 8. RACES members of the above jurisdictions who wish to
- participate, but cannot arrange time off during the normal
- business hours on October 14th can still participate. Contact the
- person in your jurisdiction who is planning their participation
- in the exercise or me at State OES Region 6 office for details.
- Telephone xxxxxxxxxx.
- ITEM 9. This exercise will provide OES the first opportunity to
- test the new Southern California Earthquake Response Plan,
- adopted by the Governor's Emergency Council last spring. Under
- the plan, cities in the impacted area coordinate their needs with
- their counties; the counties coordinate with State OES. As such,
- OES will not accept message traffic from cities (with the
- exception of the City of Los Angeles) during the "active"
- portions of the exercise.
- ITEM 10. Also under the plan, the concept of OES Regions 1 and 6
- as separate coordinating entities is replaced by one coordinating
- facility: the State Coordination Center (SOC), currently located
- on the Armed Forces Reserve Center at Los Alamitos in Orange
- County.
- ITEM 11. A number of Amateurs thought about the need for portable
- operation and go so far as to put together a portable station,
- and then forget a few basic items to include. We all think about
- VHF operating with a small two meter rig, complete with batteries
- and magnetic mount antenna. But what about the ground plane when
- you do not have a metal surface to mount the antenna on or near?
- Build 4 radials that are a quarter wavelength for the band
- concerned out of coat hangers, welding rods or spare antenna
- rods, and place them in an X pattern under the mag mount to
- provide a minimal ground plane.
- ITEM 12. When planning portable HF stations, remember a ground
- rod and a solid connection. Your tuner and your antenna wants to
- see a counterpoise. Also remember to carry some warning tape for
- your radials and guys that are located where people may walk into
- them. A trip to your local lumber store will yield vinyl survey
- tape in a number of colors including yellow and orange to warn
- people of the hazard. Tie 6 to 8 inch pieces of the tape to your
- radiator or guys at eye level and every 12 to 18 inches downward
- from there.
- RESPONSE EXERCISE IS UPON US! The Response exercise is now less
- than 10 days away. Packet radio is being featured as a mainstream
- method of message handling. The State Coordination Center at Los
- Alamitos will be on vvvv(MHZ) ....[more details no longer of
- interest]. As many government agencies are experiencing packet
- for the first time through this exercise, we would appreciate the
- cooperation of the general Amateur community in keeping the
- channels for this exercise free on non-exercise traffic. Thank
- you. 73, DON ROOT, WB6UCK, Ass't. Chief, State Telecommunications
- Division, Southern Area RACES Coordinator. RB 029 TO 035-87
- (dates and phone numbers deleted for this compilation.)